Industry in Maharashtra

Mumbai, India
Maharashtra is a highly industrialized state. In fact, Mumbai, it’s State capital, is also considered the industrial and financial capital of India.

The development of a State requires infrastructure. From this point of view, many important factors continue to contribute to the industrial development in Maharashtra such as the availability of water, electricity, roads, modern transport and communication facilities.

Mumbai being an international port, rise of various industrial development corporations as well as financial institutions and the industrial cities of Mumbai, Pune, Thane, Aurangabad, Nashik and Nagpur are pillars of development in the State.

According to the Economic Survey of Maharashtra 2008-09, as many as 14,975 industries have been registered in the period from August 1991 to December 2008, with a total investment of Rs. 5,04,689. 

Concerning the total industrial investment in the country,

Maharashtra makes a 10% contribution, while in case of employment generation the State’s contribution is 15%. 

Maharashtra has a 23% share in the total industrial production in the country.

Types of Industries in Maharashtra:
Agro based IndustriesTextiles, Sugar, Oil mills, Tobacco processing, Gram mills, Wineries, Rubber
Mineral wealth based IndustriesIron and Steel, Cement, Mineral oil curing, engineering
Forest produce based industriesLog mills, Paper mills, Match box, Pharmaceuticals, Toys, Sports goods, Furniture
Animal products based IndustriesLeather goods, woollen clothes, silk, textiles, milk products
Along with these, construction, tourism, service sector, vehicles, publishing, printing, information technology and entertainment industries are also growing significantly.